Hi there Petunia’s fans! Did you know 6/2 is National Doughnut Day?! We usually only have doughnuts Saturday & Sunday until they sell out, but we couldn’t miss out on doughnut day! We will be frying up some special flavors Friday morning while they last, don’t miss out!
In other exciting news this weekend, Pacific Power is offering FREE PARKING for our customers! They are partnering with SmartPark to provide free parking for customers who park at the 10th & Yamhill SmartPark garage from noon to 5pm on Saturday June 3rd & Sunday June 4th. All you need to do is take your SmartPark ticket to the garage booth attendant on the SW corner of SW 10th & Yamhill between noon and 5pm to receive your free parking voucher. Upon departing the garage, turn in your free parking voucher. We hope you take advantage of this great offer! We will be open regular hours Sat 6/3 during the Starlight Parade, and we are on the route this year! Stop by for some treats to enjoy while you watch!