We are excited to invite you to help us spread the love, on Wednesday, March 1st. All day from 9am – 7pm, we will be giving a free special babycake that we are creating just for the occasion, to every customer*! We will be donating a portion of the day’s proceeds to pay toward the unpaid lunch debt and supply fees at two local Elementary Schools that serve high percentages of children from low-income families. These are Seth Lewelling in Milwaukie and Cherry Park in SE Portland, and are dear to our heart here at Petunia’s
We hope you will join us on Wednesday March 1st, help us celebrate, help local children & families and enjoy your special babycake! We are so grateful for how far we have come in these years, and we couldn’t be where we are without our amazing employees, retailers and our customers like you. Thank you so much for your support. We are proud to be a part of your lives. We hope to see you on Wednesday!
XOXO, Lisa & the Petunia’s Pies and Pastries ® family
*With purchase, while supplies last. No flavor/item substitutions.